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Excerpts from A World Restored |
A World Restored, by Henry A. Kissinger, subtitled
Europe after Napoleon: The Politics of Conservatism in a
Revolutionary Age, looks at the diplomacy of European
states, especially that of Austria’s foreign minister,
Metternich, and Britain’s foreign minister, Castlereagh, during
and after the Napoleonic wars. Mr. Kissinger makes several
generalizations about the interactions of Shop for a modern edition of this book (mine was from the 1964 edition from the City of Palo Alto Library) Chapter 1. IntroductionPages 1-3It is not surprising that an age faced with the threat of thermonuclear extinction should look nostalgically to periods when diplomacy carried with it less drastic penalties, when wars were limited and catastrophe almost inconceivable. Nor is it strange in such circumstances that the attainment of peace should become the overriding concern or that the need for peace should be thought to provide the impetus for its attainment. But the attainment of peace is not as easy as the desire for it. Not for nothing is history associated with the figure of Nemesis, which defeats man by fulfilling his wishes in a different form or by answering his prayers too completely. Those ages which in retrospect seem most peaceful were least in search of peace. Those whose quest for it seems unending appear least able to achieve tranquillity. Whenever peace—conceived as the avoidance of war—has been the primary objective of a power or a group of powers, the international system has been at the mercy of the most ruthless member of the international community. Whenever the international order has acknowledged that certain principles could not be compromised even for the sake of peace, stability based on an equilibrium of forces was at least conceivable.
Stability, then, has commonly resulted not from a quest for
peace but from a generally accepted legitimacy. Whenever there exists a power which considers the international order or the manner of legitimizing it oppressive, relations between it and other powers will be revolutionary. In such cases, it is not the adjustment of differences within a given system which will be at issue, but the system itself. Adjustments are possible, but they will be conceived as tactical manoeuvres to consolidate positions for the inevitable showdown, or as tools to undermine the morale of the antagonist. To be sure, the motivation of the revolutionary power may well be defensive; it may well be sincere in its protestations of feeling threatened. But the distinguishing feature of a revolutionary power is not that it feels threatened—such feeling is inherent in the nature of international relations based on sovereign states—but that nothing can reassure it. Only absolute security—the neutralization of the opponent—is considered a sufficient guarantee, and thus the desire of one power for absolute security means absolute insecurity for all the others.
Diplomacy, the art of restraining the exercise of power, cannot
function in such an environment. It is a mistake to assume that
diplomacy can always settle international disputes if there is
For powers long accustomed to tranquillity and without
experience with disaster, this is a hard lesson to come by.
Lulled by a period of stability which had seemed permanent, they
find it nearly impossible to take at face value the assertion of
the revolutionary power that it means to smash the existing
framework. The defenders of the status quo therefore tend to
begin by treating the revolutionary power as if its
protestations were merely tactical; as if it really accepted the
existing legitimacy but overstated its case for bargaining
purposes; as if it were motivated by specific grievances to be
assuaged by limited concessions. Those who warn against the
danger in time are considered alarmists; those who counsel
adaptation to circumstance are considered balanced and sane, for
they have all the good
But it is the essence of a revolutionary power that it possesses
the courage of its convictions, that it is willing, indeed
eager, to push its principles to their ultimate conclusion.
Whatever else a revolutionary power may achieve therefore, it
tends to erode, if not the legitimacy of the international
order, at least the restraint with which such an order operates.
The characteristic of a stable order is its spontaneity; the
essence of a revolutionary situation is its self-consciousness.
Principles of obligation in a period of legitimacy are taken so
much for granted that they are never talked about, and such
periods therefore appear to posterity as shallow and
self-righteous. Principles in a revolutionary situation are so
central that they are constantly talked about. The very
sterility of the effort soon drains them of all meaning, and it
is not unusual to find both sides invoking their version of the
Chapter 8. Treaty of Chaumont and Nature of PeacePages 138-139Although every war is fought in the name of peace, there is a tendency to define peace as the absence of war and to confuse it with military victory. To discuss conditions of peace during wartime seems almost indecent, as if the admission that the war might end could cause a relaxation of the effort. This is no accident. The logic of war is power, and power has no inherent limit. The logic of peace is proportion, and proportion implies limitation. The success of war is victory; the success of peace is stability. The conditions of victory are commitment, the condition of stability is self-restraint. The motivation of war is extrinsic: the fear of an enemy. The motivation of peace is intrinsic: the balance of forces and the acceptance of its legitimacy. A war without an enemy is inconceivable; a peace built on the myth of an enemy is an armistice. It is the temptation of war to punish; it is the task of policy to construct. Power can sit in judgment, but statesmanship must look to the future.
These incommensurabilities are the particular problems of peace
settlements at the end of total wars. The enormity of suffering
leads to a conception of war in personal terms, of the enemy as
Whether the powers conclude a retrospective peace or one that
considers the future depends on their social strength and on the
degree to which they can generate their own motivation. A
retrospective peace will crush the enemy so that he is
unable to fight again; its opposite will deal with the
enemy so that he does not wish to attack again. A
retrospective peace is the expression of a rigid social order,
clinging to the only certainty: the past. It will make a
Chapter 9. The Congress of ViennaPages 144-147
Any international settlement represents a stage in a process by
which a nation reconciles its vision of itself with the vision
of it by other powers. To itself, a nation appears as an
expression of justice, and the more spontaneous its pattern of
social obligations, the more this is true; for government
functions effectively only when most citizens obey voluntarily
and they will obey only to the extent that they consider the
demands of their rulers just. To others, it appears as a force
or an expression of will. This is inevitable because external
sovereignty can be controlled only by superior force and because
foreign policy must be planned on the basis of the other side’s
capabilities and not merely of its intentions. Could a power
achieve all its wishes, it would strive for absolute security, a
world-order free from the consciousness of foreign danger and
where all problems have the manageability of domestic issues.
But since absolute security for one power means absolute
insecurity for all others, it is never obtainable as a part of a
For this reason an international settlement which is accepted
and not imposed will always appear somewhat unjust to
any one of its components. Paradoxically, the generality of this
dissatisfaction is a condition of stability, because were any
one power totally satisfied, all others would have to
be totally dissatisfied and a revolutionary situation
would ensue. The foundation of a stable order is the
relative security—and therefore the
relative insecurity—of its members. Its
stability reflects, not the absence of unsatisfied claims, but
the absence of a grievance of such magnitude that redress will
be sought in overturning the settlement rather than through an
adjustment within its framework. An order whose structure is
accepted by all major powers is
But if an international order expresses the need for security
and an equilibrium, it is constructed in the name of a
legitimizing principle. Because a settlement transforms force
into acceptance, it must attempt to translate the requirements
of security into claims and individual demands into general
advantage. It is the legitimizing principle which establishes
the relative
Although there never occurs an exact correspondence between the
maxims of the legitimizing principle and the conditions of the
settlement, stability depends on a certain commensurability. If
there exists a substantial discrepancy and a major
power which feels disadvantaged, the international order will be
volatile. For the appeal by a
The major problem of an international settlement, then, is so to
relate the claims of legitimacy to the requirements of security
that no power will express its dissatisfaction in a
revolutionary policy, and so to arrange the balance of forces as
to deter aggression produced by causes other than the conditions
of the settlement. This is not a mechanical problem. If the
international order could be constructed with the clarity of a
mathematical axiom, powers would consider themselves as factors
in a balance and arrange their adjustments to achieve a perfect
equilibrium between the forces of aggression and the forces of
resistance. But an exact balance is impossible, and not only
because of the difficulty of predicting the aggressor. It is
chimerical, above all, because while powers may appear to
outsiders as factors in a security arrangement, they appear
domestically as expressions of a historical existence. No power
will submit to a settlement, however well-balanced and however
Pages 172-173
… For the difference between a
revolutionary order and a healthy legitimate one is not
the possibility of change, but the mode of its accomplishment.
A Chapter 10. Holy Alliance and Nature of SecurityPages 180-181
For however Pages 186-187… It is proper, of course, that policy is not conducted in the mood of a moment of exaltation, because statesmen must be as interested in preserving as in conquering the world. But this is no consolation for the fanatic—or for the prophet. The statesman lives in time; his test is the permanence of his structure under stress. The prophet lives in eternity which, by definition, has no temporal dimension; his test is inherent in his vision. The encounter between the two is always tragic, because the statesman must strive to reduce the prophet’s vision to precise measures, while the prophet will judge the temporal structure by transcendental standards. To the statesman, the prophet represents a threat, because an assertion of absolute justice is a denial of nuance. To the prophet the statesman represents a revolt against reality, because the attempt to reduce justice to the attainable is a triumph of the contingent over the universal. To the statesman, negotiation is the essence of stability, because it symbolizes the adjustment of conflicting claims and the recognition of legitimacy; to the prophet, it is the symbol of imperfection, of impure motives frustrating universal bliss. Chapter 11. Metternich and Conservative DilemmaPages 191-195The conservative in a revolutionary period is always somewhat of an anomaly. Were the pattern of obligations still spontaneous, it would occur to no one to be a conservative, for a serious alternative to the existing structure would be inconceivable. But once there exists a significant revolutionary party, even more once a revolution has actually triumphed, two complementary questions have been admitted as valid, more symbolic in their very appearance than any answer that may be given: What is the meaning of authority? What is the nature of freedom? Henceforth stability and reform, liberty and authority, come to appear as antithetical; the contest becomes doctrinal and the problem of change takes the form of an attack on the existing order, instead of a dispute over specific issues. This has nothing to do with the label of political parties. There have been societies, such as the United States or Britain in the nineteenth century, which have been basically conservative, so that existing parties could be considered at once conservative and progressive. There have been others, such as France for over a century, where all issues have been basically revolutionary, however the parties consider themselves, because of the existence of a fundamental social schism.
But what is a conservative to do in a revolutionary situation?
A stable social order lives with an intuition of permanence, and
opposition to it is either ignored or attempted to be
assimilated. Voltaire was In this manner the conservative, when he organizes himself politically, becomes, in spite of himself, the symbol of a revolutionary period. His fundamental position involves a denial of the validity of the questions regarding the nature of authority; but the questions, by exacting a reply, have demonstrated a kind of validity. To the revolutionary, the conservative’s position therefore becomes an answer, a victory even should the immediate battle end adversely. For what does it profit a conservative to emerge victorious in a battle of wills? His battle is not personal but social, his justification not individual but historical. It is no accident that in revolutionary contests the conservative position comes to be dominated by its reactionary—that is, counter-revolutionary-wing, the group which fights in terms of will and with an ethic of loyalty. For the true conservative is not at home in social struggle. He will attempt to avoid unbridgeable schism, because he knows that a stable social structure thrives not on triumphs but on reconciliations. How then can the conservative rescue his position from the contingency of conflicting claims? How can that which is, persuade when its self-evidence has disintegrated? By fighting as anonymously as possible, has been the classic conservative reply, so that if the answer must be given it will transcend the will, so that the contest occurs at least on a plane beyond the individual, so that obligation can become duty and not loyalty. To fight for conservatism in the name of historical forces, to reject the validity of the revolutionary question because of its denial of the temporal aspect of society and the social contract—this was the answer of Burke. To fight the revolution in the name of reason, to deny the validity of the question on epistemological grounds, as contrary to the structure of the universe —this was the answer of Metternich.
The difference between these two conservative positions is
fundamental. To Burke the ultimate standard of social
obligation was history; to Metternich it was reason. To Burke
history was the expression of the ethos of a people; to
Metternich it was a
It was this rationalist conception of conservatism which
imparted the rigidity to Metternich’s policy and to his
interpretation of the complementary issues of the nature of
freedom and the meaning of authority. The West has produced two
basic replies: freedom as the absence of restraint or freedom as
the voluntary acceptance of authority. The former position
considers freedom to reside outside of the sphere of authority;
the latter conceives freedom as a quality of authority. The
negative version of freedom is the expression of a society
transcending its political structure, a society which, as in
Locke, exists prior to the state and whose political
organization becomes like a company of limited liability
organized for the achievement of determinate goals. In such a
society the issue of conservatism against reform tends to appear
as a question of emphasis, of greater or lesser change on
problems of specific form and content. Since the significant
field of activity occurs outside the governmental sphere,
politics has a utilitarian, but not an ethical function; it is
useful, not moral. A society based on Locke’s concept of
freedom is always conservative, whatever form its political
contests take. Were it not, it could not operate a system whose
strength resides in its social cohesiveness, in the things
But the Continent has never been able to accept the Anglo-Saxon
version of freedom. Before the French Revolution, this was
because Locke’s became the philosophy of an
accomplished revolution, a doctrine of reconciliation
which lacked the logical rigor of a call to action. Afterwards,
it was because the French Revolution, unlike the British, had
produced a fundamental social schism. Cohesive societies can
regulate themselves through custom which reveals that disputes
are peripheral. Societies which contain fundamental schisms
must rely on law, the definition of a compulsory
relationship. Thus Kant and Rousseau, not Locke, were the
representatives of the Continental version of liberty which
sought freedom in the identification of the will with the
general interest and considered government freest, not when it
governed least, but when it governed justly. To the British
conservative, the social problem was one of adjustment: to
protect the social sphere by timely political concession. But
to his Continental counterpart, the problem was one of
conservation in the literal sense, because to him political
concession was equivalent to social surrender. For one can make
concessions only to something. When state and society
are two different entities, this is no problem. But when they
are identical, a concession is a confession of failure, a
recognition of an unbridgeable social schism. Thus even at the
end of his life, after his era had long ended, Metternich could
still object to a speech by a British Peelite, Sir James Graham,
that the statesman’s wisdom consisted of recognizing the proper
moment for making concessions:
This did not mean that the conservative statesman had to oppose
all change. To be a conservative, wrote Metternich,
required neither return to a previous period, nor reaction, but
carefully considered reform. True conservatism implied an
active policy. Yet reform had to be the product of order and
not of will; it had to assert the universality of law against
the contingency of power. Pages 200-202
If Metternich considered the quest for formal constitutions
chimerical, he saw in revolutions a physical disaster. In a
universe characterized by a balance between the forces of
conservation and those of destruction, revolution was due to a
disturbance of the equilibrium in favor of the latter. But
since the equilibrium was the
It is expressive of the conservative dilemma that Metternich’s
pronouncements on the nature of authority are
truistic—because a conservative takes it for granted; and
those on the meaning of freedom are skimpy—because he
considered the question meaningless. But his analysis of the
nature of revolutions is lucid and powerful. In 1820, while
arranging the series of congresses designed to defeat the
revolutionary outbreaks, Metternich wrote a
All this gave rise to a type of individual who symbolized the
revolutionary era: the presumptuous man, the natural product of
a too-rapid march of the human spirit towards seeming
perfection: Pages 206-207
It was thus that Metternich posed the conservative challenge as
the need to transcend the assertion of the exclusive validity of
the will and as the requirement to limit the claims of power.
It was a redefinition of the classic theological version of
humility, Chapter 17. The Nature of StatesmanshipPages 316-318… But the claims of the prophet are sometimes as dissolving as those of the conqueror. For the claims of the prophet are a counsel of perfection, and perfection implies uniformity. Utopias are not achieved except by a process of leveling and dislocation which must erode all patterns of obligation. These are the two great symbols of the attacks on the legitimate order: the Conqueror and the Prophet, the quest for universality and for eternity, for the peace of impotence and the peace of bliss.
But the statesman must remain forever suspicious of these
efforts, not because he enjoys the pettiness of manipulation,
but because he must be prepared for the worst contingency. To
be dependent on the continued goodwill of another sovereign
state is demoralizing, because it is a confession of impotence,
an invitation to the irresponsibility induced by the conviction
that events cannot be affected by one’s will. And to rely
entirely on the moral purity of an individual is to abandon the
possibility of restraint, because moral claims involve a quest
for absolutes, a denial of nuance, a rejection of history. This
in its fundamental sense is the issue between the conqueror or
the prophet on the one side and the statesman on the other;
between the identification of conception and possibility and the
insistence on the contingency of the individual will; between
the effort to escape time and the need to survive in it. It is
a tragic and necessarily inconclusive contest. For the
statesman will treat the prophet as a political manifestation,
and the prophet will judge the statesman by transcendental
standards. The prophet, however pure his motives, pays the
penalty for the
It is the inextricable element of history, this conflict between
inspiration and organization. Inspiration implies the
identification of the self with the meaning of events.
Organization requires discipline, the submission to the will of
the group. Inspiration is timeless; its validity is inherent in
its conception. Organization is historical, depending on the
material available at a given period. Inspiration is a call for
greatness; organization a recognition that mediocrity is the
usual pattern of leadership. To be effective politically one
requires organization, and for this reason the translation into
political terms of prophetic visions always falsifies the
intentions of their proponents. It is no accident that the
greatest spiritual achievements of religious or prophetic
movements tend to occur when they are still in opposition, when
their conception is their only reality. Nor is it
strange that established religions or prophetic movements should
exhibit a longing for their vanished period of While the conqueror attempts to equate his will with the structure of obligations and the prophet seeks to dissolve organization in a moment of transcendence, the statesman strives to keep latent the tension between organization and inspiration; to create a pattern of obligations sufficiently spontaneous to reduce to a minimum the necessity for the application of force, but, at the same time, of sufficient firmness not to require the legitimization of a moment of exaltation. It is not surprising that Castlereagh and Metternich were statesmen of the equilibrium, seeking security in a balance of forces. Their goal was stability, not perfection, and the balance of power is the classic expression of the lesson of history that no order is safe without physical safeguards against aggression. Thus the new international order came to be created with a sufficient awareness of the connection between power and morality; between security and legitimacy. No attempt was made to found it entirely on submission to a legitimizing principle; this is the quest of the prophet and dangerous because it presupposes the self-restraint of sanctity. But neither was power considered self-limiting; the experience of the conqueror had proved the opposite. Rather, there was created a balance of forces which, because it conferred a relative security, came to be generally accepted, and whose relationships grew increasingly spontaneous as its legitimacy came to be taken for granted. Pages 326-332… For the spirit of policy and that of bureaucracy are diametrically opposed. The essence of policy is its contingency; its success depends on the correctness of an estimate which is in part conjectural. The essence of bureaucracy is its quest for safety; its success is calculability. Profound policy thrives on perpetual creation, on a constant redefinition of goals. Good administration thrives on routine, the definition of relationships which can survive mediocrity. Policy involves an adjustment of risks; administration an avoidance of deviation. Policy justifies itself by the relationship of its measures and its sense of proportion; administration by the rationality of each action in terms of a given goal. The attempt to conduct policy bureaucratically leads to a quest for calculability which tends to become a prisoner of events. The effort to administer politically leads to total irresponsibility, because bureaucracies are designed to execute, not to conceive. The temptation to conduct policy administratively is ever present, because most governments are organized primarily for the conduct of domestic policy, whose chief problem is the implementation of social decisions, a task which is limited only by its technical feasibility. But the concern with technical problems in foreign affairs leads to a standard which evaluates by mistakes avoided rather than by goals achieved, and to a belief that ability is more likely to be judged by the pre-vision of catastrophes than the discovery of opportunities. … For this reason, too, it is dangerous to separate planning from the responsibility of execution. For responsibility involves a standard of judgment, a legitimacy. But the standard of a bureaucracy is different from that of the social effort. Social goals are justified by the legitimizing principle of the domestic structure, which may be rationality, tradition or charisma, but which is in any case considered an ultimate value. Bureaucratic measures are justified by an essentially instrumental standard, the suitability of certain actions for achieving ends conceived as given. A society is capable of only a limited range of decisions, because its values are relatively fixed; an ideal bureaucracy should be able to carry out any decision which is administratively feasible. The attempt to define social goals bureaucratically will, therefore, always lead to the distortion inherent in applying a rationality of means to the development of ends. …
In addition to the obstacle of bureaucratic inertia, a statesman
will tend to have great difficulty legitimizing his policy
domestically, because of the incommensurability between a
nation’s domestic and its international experience. The whole
domestic effort of a people exhibits an effort to transform
force into obligation by means of a consensus on the nature of
justice. The more spontaneous the pattern of obligation, the
But even when there exists no fundamental ideological gulf, a
nation’s domestic experience will tend to inhibit its
comprehension of foreign affairs. Domestically, the most
difficult problem is an agreement on the nature of
The statesman is therefore like one of the heroes in classical
drama who has had a vision of the future but who cannot transmit
it directly to his fellow—men and who cannot validate its
It is for this reason that most great statesmen have been either representatives of essentially conservative social structures or revolutionaries: the conservative is effective because of his understanding of the experience of his people and of the essence of a continuing relationship, which is the key to a stable international organization. And the revolutionary, because he transcends experience and identifies the just with the possible. The conservative (particularly if he represents an essentially conservative social structure) is legitimized by a consensus on the basic goals of the social effort and on the nature of the social experience. There is, therefore, no need to justify every step along the way. The revolutionary is legitimized by his charismatic quality, by an agreement on the legitimacy of his person or of his principle. His means are therefore considered incidental; his ends or his person legitimize the means. A conservative structure produces a notion of quality, which provides the framework of great conception; a revolutionary order produces a notion of exaltation, which dissolves technical limitations. Both thus deal with the fundamental problem of statesmanship: how to produce an understanding of the complexity of policy when it is impossible to produce a comprehension of its substance.
There remains the question of the validity of conclusions drawn
from historical experience, expressed in the assertion that
historical events are essentially unique. It can be admitted
that events do not recur precisely, that in this sense history
does not
A physical law is an explanation and not a description, and
history teaches by analogy, not identity. This means that the
lessons of history are never automatic, that they can be
apprehended only by a standard which admits the significance of
a range of experience, that the answers we obtain will never be
better than the questions we pose. No profound conclusions were
drawn in the natural sciences before the significance
of sensory experience was admitted by what was essentially a
moral act. No significant conclusions are possible in the study
of foreign affairs—the study of states acting as
units—without an awareness of the historical context. For
societies exist in time more than in space. At any given moment
a state is but a collection of individuals, as positivist
scholars have never wearied of pointing out. But it achieves
identity through the consciousness of a common history. This is
the only
To be sure, states tend to be forgetful. It is not often that
nations learn from the past, even rarer that they draw the
correct conclusions from it. For the lessons of historical
experience, as of personal experience, are contingent. They
teach the consequences of certain actions, but they cannot force
a recognition of comparable situations. An individual may have
experienced that a hot stove burns but, when confronted with a
metallic object of a certain size, he must decide from case to
case whether it is in fact a stove before his knowledge will
prove useful. A people may be aware of the probable
consequences of a revolutionary situation. But its knowledge
will be empty if it cannot recognize a revolutionary
situation. There is this difference between physical and
historical knowledge, however: each generation is permitted only
one effort of abstraction; it can attempt only one
interpretation and a single experiment, for it is its own
subject. This is the challenge of history and its tragedy; it
is the shape |